St Michael's
Religious Education
St Michael's Academy is
a Catholic school and has a formal RE programme taught
primarily by a Religious Education department under the
guidance and direction of a Principal Teacher. This formal
programme is supported by a lay Chaplaincy Team and by a
school Pastoral Committee. The spiritual life of the
school is enhanced by a range of liturgical and other
activities and strong links have been established with
local parishes. The school has an Oratory which is used by
classes and smaller groups during the course of the day.
Assemblies for each year
group are held once per week at which, in addition to the
normal administrative and information-giving sessions,
pupils are given the opportunity to think about and pray
for those less fortunate than themselves.

The Staff
St Michael's Academy has
a full complement of well-qualified and experienced staff
enabling the provision of a broad and varied curriculum at
all stages. The Senior Management Team, which has
responsibility for the strategic management and day-to-day
running of the school, comprises the Head Teacher, the
Depute Head and two Assistant Heads. There are 18
Principal Teachers and 3 Assistant Principal Teachers of
subject, a Guidance Team of 3 Principal Teachers and 2
Assistant Principal Teachers and 5 Senior Teachers. The
whole staff complement of just over 58 is supported by a
team of ancillary staff including clerical support,
technicians, a librarian and two janitors.