If angling is the oldest
sport, the Kilwinning Archers is certainly the oldest club. The
Ancient Society of Kilwinning Archers is believed to date back
to 1483 and whilst records are only available from 1688, there
is a reference in the early minutes which would appear to
confirm this assumption.
The sport still continues in Kilwinning to this very day. The
annual papingo shoot is held in the grounds of the old Abbey on
the first Saturday in June, when the wooden bird is mounted on a
pole and suspended from the clock
tower to allow the archers to attempt to dislodge the wings and
then the bird itself.
In earlier days the first person to shoot down the papingo
became Captain for the next twelve months. Today the shoot for
the Captaincy takes place on the morning of the papingo shoot
and this event is held at the butts in McGavin Park.
During the winter months the Club meets (evenings) in the gym of
Kilwinning Academy. |